Healthy Social Media has been carefully structured to empower young people to critically assess social media and interact more responsibly online, in a way that safeguards their own wellbeing as well as actively contributing to that of others and society in general. It will do so by increasing the capacity of youth workers and educators to deliver such education in an engaging and practical manner as part of the local and regional community and youth services systems.
With your help by 2018, we will:

Our aim is clear:
Healthy Social Media aims: “to help make young people’s experience of using social media a healthy, positive and life affirming one.”
In order to achieve this, we believe that suppliers of non-formal education to the youth sector have a key role to play. Our project will work to provide them with knowledge, skills and tools to effectively teach social media literacy to the young people they serve. Specifically we will:

The benefits for you:
By engaging with our project, Youth Workers, Educators and Young People will benefit from: